What Would You Do?

If you could have your own TV show, what would it be?

Would you host a documentary series?  Would you like to star in a sci-fi series?  Or, would you like to fight dragons, and battle demons, or Orcs? Or, would you be the kind of super hero that the world needs?

What are your thoughts on being a contestant in a nerdy trivia gameshow (already a show in the works, and you could be a contestant for the ultimate nerd prize)?

Ever want to be a space explorer fighting aliens?  What about having super powers and you are just coming into them – when a government agency sweeps you up to take you to a facility to study you and turn you into a weapon?

Regardless. We are always looking for good ideas to make new and amazing stuff.  If you have any ideas, and would like to participate, we’d love to hear from you.  Fill out the form below, pitch us your idea, and let’s talk.

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What Kind of Show Would You Like To See?