Mark – Network Manager & Talent Monkey:

Mark, started the Tangent-Bound Podcast Network, now labeled the “Tangent-Bound Media Network”, in late 2012. One year later, he started the network in an effort to help others get started in podcasting, and helping others create content, and producing videos, and content for creators, commercial uses and for creating different types of entertainment for the network. He may or may not find happiness knowing that he may or may not get rich and famous doing what he loves.

Jim – Network Sidekick & Tech Monkey:

JimJim Came to the network in October of 2013 as the new co-host for the network flagship show, The Tangent-Bound Podcast, because Mark promised Fame, Fortune and Eternal Glory. For the record: Jim is still waiting for the “Fortune”. Having no experience in the industry wasn’t an issue as incongruous rambling speech has never been a problem for Jim; that, and he was voted “Most Likely to have his own talk show” by his Senior High School class. But, now-a-days, Jim is the tech specialist for the network and still hasn’t found fame or fortune.

Jordan – Media Monkey

Jordan is in charge of all things media for the Tangent-Bound Media Network. This includes bringing on new talent and types of media to the masses. Much like Mark’s job, but much cooler and less stressful…. because, it’s better than managing it all.